

How can HELP BAG® help you?


Emergency preparedness

HELP BAG® is an 8-module emergency kit with over 100 items designed to provide essential support in emergency situations (e.g., power shortages, natural disasters, etc.).


Effective organization

Clearly labeled modules and specialized compartments allow quick access to essential items giving a sense of control and agility in stressful situations.


Multifunctional and durable

Made of durable CORDURA® material, the HELP BAG® emergency kit is durable and multifunctional.
It will accommodate dedicated modules and items that you think should be in it (such as medicines, documents or necessary clothing).

See the difference!

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Who needs a HELP BAG kit?
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Such as regions prone to hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, providing the necessary tools and equipment.

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As a preventive measure in case of emergencies or natural disasters, providing basic survival needs.

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For those who are interested in survival techniques and want to be prepared for any emergency situation in the field.

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For those exploring remote or hard-to-reach areas where access to help may be limited.

HELP BAG® emergency kits

The new generation of security! 🔥


Frequently asked questions

Is HELP BAG® suitable for every emergency situation?

HELP BAG® is designed for a variety of emergency scenarios, from natural disasters to field emergencies.
Despite its versatility, it is important to tailor content to individual needs and possible scenarios in a given region.

The new edition of HELP BAG® introduces a number of improvements to its equipment.
The components are made of better quality matęrials.
Listening to the advice of experts and customers, we improved the equipment: including.
sleeping bag provides better thermal comfort, we have prepared a poncho that can act as a tent or tarp.
We have introduced another color version of Olive Green and made sure that the lettering on the kits is more discreet.
All these changes increase functionality and comfort.

Regularly check and refill the contents of the kit after each use.
Use the checklist included with each kit.
Once in a while, make sure your electronics are in good working order (charge your powerbank), and check the expiration dates of medicines or foods you add to your emergency kit yourself.

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